Insurance products are very complex
Insurance products are very complex. Each insurance contract has specific covers, exclusions, and complicated terms that may be vague for clients. Companies often purchase products or terms which do not meet their needs and/or risks. This results in either overpaying or irrelevant products, which in turn may be the reason for claims decline in case of losses.

Experience in the insurance industry
Brokers have comprehensive experience and technical knowledge of the insurance industry and its products. They are independent and can be effective intermediaries between clients and insurance companies. Insurance brokers solicit insurance quotes and/or policies from one or multiple insurance companies on behalf of customers. As such, insurance brokers play a vital role in ensuring the client is well-informed and appropriately covered, considering risks, premiums, and exclusions. Three elements - choice, advocacy, and advice - differentiate the broker distribution channel and directly serve the customer's best interests.
Types of insurance
There are various types of insurance: health insurance, property insurance, liability insurance, etc. Each of them has different risks covered. Moreover, exclusions and covers vary per insurance company. Some clients do not have time or inclination to research the market and compare quotations, while brokers can easily understand the technical complexity of multiple covers and spot differences. Brokers help clients to select the best alternatives available on the market and to transfer their risks with the terms best fit the client’s needs.

Why Insurance Broker GS?
- You get professional advice from the experienced team
- You save time and other resources for analyzing specific insurance products and selecting the best choices
- You make a well-informed decision with confidence
- Account Directors are empowered to provide quick, expert responses to ensure clients always have the proper protection in place without having to speak to multiple individuals
- Long-term relationships with insurers enable a genuine tripartite relationship between the client, broker, and insurer
- You have a trustworthy, qualified advisor and consultant who advises on any matter of insurance (all products, insurance/reinsurance) and always acts in your best interests
- Client Managers are involved in everyday communication to deliver result-oriented and effective service, considering our best practices and international experience, including claims management service